RIBA Core CPD programme > Community engagement: collaborative design techniques | Places, planning and communities; Inclusive environments |

Community engagement: collaborative design techniques | Places, planning and communities; Inclusive environments |

Locations nationwide - for dates and locations please see link below
This interactive seminar will explore how to work with community stakeholders and clients through collaborative design processes. Exploring design engagement from a range of perspectives through case studies, discussion and hands-on activities, this session will provide you with practical tools and approaches to use in your own work.
Speaker: Sophia de Sousa, The Glass-House
This event is taking place at the following locations:
15 English locations
Core Club Ticket RIBA member (all 10 seminars): £292 (£350.40 inc VAT)
Core Club Ticket Chartered Practices (all 10 seminars): £400 (£480 inc VAT)
Core Club Ticket non-member (all 10 seminars): £585 (£702 inc VAT)
Pay-as-you-go RIBA/CIAT members: £46 (£55.20 inc VAT)
Pay-as-you-go RIBA student members: £15 (£18 inc VAT)
Pay-as-you-go Non-members: £92 (£110.40 inc VAT)
All RIBA members (including CPD Club Ticket holders) and non-members, can book online from November 2018. Club Ticket bookings can be made using this link. Alternatively, email your contact details and selected sessions to cpdclub@riba.org or your RIBA regional office. For pay-as-you-go bookings visit www.architecture.com/whatson
Further information: