The RIBA has 11 regions in England, plus the Royal Society of Architects in Wales (RSAW). The RIBA also has agreements with the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) and the Royal Society of Ulster Architects (RSUA).
The English regions and the RSAW deliver the RIBA’s strategic purpose: to champion better buildings, communities and the environment through architecture and its members. They work with local opinion formers and decision makers, and campaign for good design. They also provide a range of membership services including:
- Organising CPD and other skills-based training
- Providing communication links with local members and support to local branches
- Organising a wide range of events including RIBA Awards
- Providing RIBA Enterprises with a channel for their publications and appointments service
- Linking with schools of architecture and other education establishments
- Developing joint initiatives with other organisations and building local partnerships
- Influencing policy making
For details of regional offices please visit where you can find information on each of the regions.
Find out more and book RIBA Core CPD programme events
or the wider RIBA CPD programme events, organised by the RIBA CPD Programme team.