RIBA CPD Showcase

Internal management

The following CPD materials fall within the 'Internal management – professionalism, practice, business and management' RIBA Core Curriculum topic area.
Seminar, by Vectorworks UK Ltd
The definition of BIM (Building Information Modelling) is now well established, but as it becomes more prevalent many questions still exist. This seminar aims to cover issues such as: what design-led BIM is; how architectural practices may begin the gradual process of adopting BIM; how the integration process works, and; determining the right level of BIM for a project.

For more than 25 years Vectorworks has been a global leader in 3D design technologies. The Vectorworks line of software provides professional design solutions for the AEC, entertainment and landscape design industries. Vectorworks’ products deliver the freedom to model anything a designer can imagine, while presenting it with the precision they need.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 1-2 hours
Seminar, by Promap
This CPD seminar guides the specifier through the availability of geographic data for use in CAD, including mapping, 3D models, height data and other types. It includes information on how the data is collected, the tolerances/formats and currencies to work with, and provides a number of samples to take away.

Landmark Information Group is a leading supplier of land information data in the UK. It provides technology, data and expertise to help specifiers identify and translate environmental and property risk into facts, insight and opportunity. Landmark delivers intelligence and solutions to enable specifiers and other construction industry professionals make informed decisions.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes
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