RIBA CPD Showcase

Places, planning and communities

The following RIBA-approved CPD materials fall within the RIBA core curriculum topic ‘Places, planning and communities’ (and may fall within other core curriculum topics as well). This covers the legal, regulatory and policy frameworks for creating successful urban and rural places, as well as relevant planning processes and procedures. It also embraces the knowledge and skills to create successful buildings, within the context of neighbourhoods, towns and cities. You must include at least 20 of your 35-hour annual CPD requirement from among the ten mandatory RIBA core curriculum topics.
Seminar, by Studmarc
Explores the use of architectural studs as a means of preventing anti-social behaviour in communal and shared spaces. Covers: what to look for when selecting an architectural stud; best practice when installing them; societal attitudes towards architectural studs; and, factors to consider when installing them.

Studmarc designs, manufactures and installs architectural studs of all kinds. Its precision-engineered studs are designed and manufactured in the UK and Europe from the highest quality materials. Its product range includes tactile studs, strips and paving tiles, skateboarding deterrents, road studs and more, in many different sizes and materials, and with fitment options to suit your unique requirements.

Duration: one hour, plus Q&A
Do you frequently encounter challenging questions around transport and movement when engaged in masterplanning and site appraisal? This seminar explains core transport planning principles, discusses current industry challenges, and sets out how informed clients can achieve better transport planning outcomes.

Wedderburn Transport Planning (WTP) provides independent and evidence-based consultancy services in transport planning and pedestrian movement analysis. Its offering includes strategic transport policy research, transport strategy and assessment for individual sites, and a range of forecasting and appraisal studies for both public and private sector clients.

Duration: 45 minutes, plus Q&A
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