RIBA CPD Showcase

RIBA Core Curriculum: Designing & building it

The following CPD materials fall within the ‘Designing and building it – structural design, construction, technology and engineering’ RIBA Core Curriculum topic area.
Seminar, by Portakabin Limited
This CPD seminar aims to provide a greater understanding of the capabilities of modular buildings and the many benefits that off-site construction can bring. Discover how permanent buildings can be delivered in a fraction of the time of traditional methods, using a highly sustainable, energy-efficient process. The flexibility of the building system gives the architect almost infinite design potential, whilst off-site construction reduces site disruption.

Portakabin Group provides portable and modular buildings that are versatile, sustainable and offer unlimited design flexibility, to create buildings suited to individual customers’ layouts. Its innovative approach to modular construction offers safer, cleaner building systems with faster and more efficient programme times. Buildings can be delivered and installed within a day. Off-site manufacturing processes minimise disruption to building sites.

Together with its on-time and on-budget guarantee, Portakabin provides an effective alternative to traditional construction.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour.
Seminar, by The Rooflight Co.
This seminar has been designed for those who believe in the importance of preserving the nation’s heritage buildings with materials that are in context with the original architectural design.

Creators of the original conservation rooflight, The Rooflight Company has been working with architects for over 20 years to provide a sympathetic solution to their heritage projects.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes.
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