RIBA CPD Showcase

RIBA Core Curriculum: Compliance

The following CPD materials fall within the ‘Compliance – legal, regulatory and statutory framework and processes’ RIBA Core Curriculum topic area.
A presentation and discussion that aims to explore waterproofing, and in particular the use of ‘cavity drain’ and ‘air gap membranes’ in a variety of different situations, from domestic basements and listed buildings to the London Underground. Attention is also drawn to typical failures with various other forms of waterproofing encountered within structures, while touching on the latest requirements for structural warranty providers.

Delta Membrane Systems provides one of leading ranges of products for drainage, waterproofing and underground wall protection, and is one of the largest manufacturers of cavity drain membranes in the world. The company holds CSSW and waterproofing design accreditations, providing protection for both designers and below-ground structures.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes.
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