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Full details of RIBA approved CPD materials offered by Nicholson STS Ltd are available to auto-generate as PDF and include company contact information: Overview for Nicholson STS Ltd

Nicholson STS Ltd


Nicholson is a manufacturer and supplier of quality, functional and innovative roofing systems to the construction and solar industries. Our brands provide a go-to solution for many common roof construction details.


AIRTRAK is a proprietary range of ventilators designed specifically for the ventilation of roof voids. AIRTRAK assists specifiers, builders and specialist contractors in helping them to meet the requirements of the Building Regulations in relation to the important issue of roof void ventilation and the control of condensation.


The ROOFTRAK IFP Integrated Fixing Point system has been developed specifically around the challenging scenario of providing a connection to the building structure whilst maintaining 100% integrity of the weathering membrane. The typical uses of the IFP include: - Cladding support framework - PV and thermal solar panels - Timber decking - Balustrad...

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CPD Material (8)

Multiple CPD formats
Going Through the Roof: Key Considerations for Specifiers Around the Issue of Roof Penetrations
This CPD provides attendees with a specific insight into the issues surrounding roof level service penetrations. Attendees will be guided through the key considerations relating to maintaining the integrity of the all-important weathering layer where ducts, pipes and cables exit the riser on to the roof. The session will identify the methods and protocols that are essential for the effective and durable execution of this often-challenging detail. It will help you to understand the following topics:
- The evolution of the flat roof and how roof constructions have changed
- The utilisation of the roof area and how we use roofs today
- The key considerations when designing roof penetrations
- The pitfalls of a reactive approach
- The benefits of a proactive, collaborative approach
- The science of effective weathering
- The benefits of a proprietary system

This CPD is also available as an online presentation. Please contact for more information.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
Multiple CPD formats
The Importance of Ventilation in Lead Roofing
This CPD is designed to educate and enlighten architects and specifiers as to why ventilation in lead covered roofs is so important, what can happen if this is not considered and what is depicted as the standard in BS5250 Control of Condensation in Buildings. It will help you to understand the following topics:
- The history of lead roofing
- Why we need to ventilate lead covered roofs
- Interstitial condensation and its causes
- Other sources of moisture in roof voids
- The relevant regulations
- Types of roof construction and how much ventilation is required
- Products that can help you meet the regulations and ventilate correctly

This CPD is also available as an online presentation. Please contact for more information.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
Multiple CPD formats
Roof Void Ventilation and the Control of Condensation
This CPD is designed to educate and enlighten architects and specifiers about issues relating to interstitial condensation, typical scenarios and conditions which contribute to the likelihood of interstitial condensation forming and the possible effects that it can have on the structure. It will also point up the relevant parts of British Standard BS5250 that relate to ventilation of roof structures and will show how proprietary products can help to meet these requirements. It will help you to understand the following topics:
- Interstitial condensation and its causes
- The importance of the Vapour Control Layer (VCL)
- The principles of roof void ventilation as set out in British Standard BS5250
- How much ventilation is required
- Ways in which products can help achieve the requirements and ventilate correctly

This CPD is also available as an online presentation. Please contact for more information.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
Multiple CPD formats
The Critical Connection - Open Rainscreen Cladding to Pitched Surfaces
Whether your rainscreen cladding material is timber, metal or a composite material, having the option to run your cladding material seamlessly to the vertical walls and pitched roof surfaces, enables both bold creativity and understated simplicity in design. This CPD is not about the multitude of cladding material options that are available. The time is used to focus on the structure, waterproofing and detailing that is so necessary to get right if your creative design is to become reality.

We will look at the issues relating to the roof build-up, waterproofing layer, insulation, structural connection and cladding support options along with propriety systems that answer the challenges raised. A full set of slides and note along with a certificate of attendance will be provided after the presentation.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar