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Full details of RIBA approved CPD materials offered by Karndean Designflooring are available to auto-generate as PDF and include company contact information: Overview for Karndean Designflooring

Karndean Designflooring


At Karndean, we see flooring differently. We travel the world in our quest to bring you exceptional floors that inspire and delight. From the ancient forests of Europe, to the remote Australian outback and beyond, we seek out expressive and intriguing forms in the natural world to influence our unique floor designs. By combining these original features with cutting edge design, we create simply beautiful floors that bring your vision to life. We take our clients on an endless journey of design discovery.

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CPD Material (6)

Multiple CPD formats
Inclusive Flooring Design: Where Form and Function Meet Legislation
The presentation discusses the key design criteria to consider, when designing flooring for environments where vulnerable people are present; including the visually impaired, patients with dementia, and the elderly. The key topics covered include;
- Designing floors for the dementia environment
- Reducing the risk of slipping
- Complying with the Disability Discrimination Act
- Colour contrast and light reflectance values
- Maintaining hygienic floors
- Environmental credentials
- Case studies

This CPD can be delivered to you live and remotely.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
Multiple CPD formats
Luxury Vinyl Tile Floor Coverings: Stylish and Innovative Specification Solutions
This seminar will look at:
- The makeup of Luxury Vinyl Tiles (LVT), the reasons behind using it and the environmental credentials
- EN classifications, slip resistance and technical considerations
- BREEAM and life cycle assessment
- Wear layers, thickness, emboss, bevel and adhesives
- Subfloor preparation and ease of maintenance

This CPD can be delivered to you live and remotely.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
Specifying Sustainability; Protecting People, Planet and Prosperity
This CPD will explore how in recent years design sustainability and the implementing of design features has evolved into a more people-centric approach with places, health, and wellbeing at the core of the design process. Topics discussed include how a building's occupants are directly affected by specific elements within the built environment, Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ), how design should be considered at the beginning to improve the overall experience of the occupants over the lifetime of a building, and different design solutions and their sustainability. By the end of the CPD you should have a greater understanding of:
- The effects natural and man-made design elements can have to occupant health, both physically and psychologically
- The different elements of IEQ and the preventative solutions that can be taken to control the source
- How to assess the positive and negative impact on occupant experience and how this can be altered through building design
- The scope of design solutions that can be implemented
- How to assess the sustainability of these design solutions - understanding what green practices can be put in place and how through sustainable solutions we are protecting our resources: people and planet, to ensure a prosperous future
Material type: Seminar
One Day Introduction to Fitting Flooring
- Product awareness
- Adhesive selection
- Sub-floor testing and preparation
- Straight tile installation
- Straight plank installation
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Course


Karndean Designflooring has CPD Materials in the following areas: -

RIBA Core Curriculum areas