Larsen Building Products
Larsen Building Products
A detailed look at paving mortar for the public realm in line with BS 7533, how an eco mortar option can lead to a significant reduction in carbon, quantified by trees grown over a 10 year period, or not driving a car calculated in miles not driven. Traffic categories, pavement layers (the build up) & impregnating sealers will also feature.
Availability information
Book now for slots available Monday to Friday. Face to face seminars are conducted on-site at architect/specifier own premises. Please book via telephone 028 9053 5430 or email CPD@larsenbuildingproducts.com. Seminar length approx. 40 minutes. Lunch included.
Availability information
Book now for slots available Monday to Friday. Online seminars are conducted on Microsoft Teams. Please book via telephone 028 9053 5430 or email CPD@larsenbuildingproducts.com. Seminar length approx. 40 minutes.