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91 Turnmill Street

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Jay Mcleod
Tel +44 (0) 20 7456 6789 Overview
Full details of RIBA approved CPD materials offered by Billi UK are available to auto-generate as PDF and include company contact information: Overview for Billi UK

Billi UK


At Billi, we design and manufacture a range of energy efficient filtered water systems that offer our customers the very best in innovation, superior performance and reliability. For nearly 30 years, we have maintained a commitment to excellence and quality that is second to none. Our award winning filtered water systems are preferred by designers and architects for their elegant styling and space saving design. Billi launched the world’s first under counter boiling and chilled water system in the early 1990s. It was instantly recognised as a premium product because of its high functionality, energy efficiency and space-saving design. From that first product, the range has grown to serve the smallest kitchen or work environment, up to the largest buildings with the highest demand. Today, we continue to innovate. Our designs keep pace with modern building techniques, contemporary interior concepts and changing lifestyle choices. And importantly, all our products continue to incorpora...
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CPD Material (4)

Multiple CPD formats
Sustainability, Office Evolution & Hydration: Designing a Happy and Healthy Workspace
A unique insight into the evolving workspace and how sustainability and hydration contribute to employee wellbeing and happiness. We will introduce different solutions to hydration needs in the workspace and will explore how the design of these options create an engaged workforce in a sustainable environment. We will touch on factors that can contribute to creating a healthy workspace such as moving away from single use plastic, factoring energy efficiency into office design and the importance of employee wellbeing. By the end of the CPD you should have a greater understanding of:
- How to identify factors that contribute to a sustainable workspace and how to provide a sustainable & energy
- How the design of an office, and the amenities provided can contribute to employee productivity.
- How to identify the different factors that contribute to employee wellness and understand how hydration affects.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
Multiple CPD formats
Saving Space, Energy and Time: Design Consideration when Specifying Sustainable Drinking Water Systems
This CPD seminar looks at the design and specification of drinking water systems. It will help you to understand the following topics:
- How to help define client expectations for tea points
- The differences between water-cooled (heat-exchange technology) and air-cooled water systems
- How to identify space, energy and time requirements
- The drinking water industry accreditations
- The importance of sustainability and a plastic-free workplace
- The impact of aesthetic considerations
- The importance of filtration, scale management and regular maintenance

This CPD can be delivered to you live and remotely.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar


Billi UK has CPD Materials in the following areas: -

RIBA Core Curriculum areas