EFFISUS > Articles
Published on 12 February 2021 16:35

Detailing, New Challenge on Façade Building Construction

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Key Learning outcomes
  • Overview of façade projects on a new era and challenges
  • The importance of detailing on a façade project
  • Advantages of weatherproofing design
  • Application on a project case study
The facade industry has evolved immensely in the last years in terms of complexity and new modern technology has been made available to fulfill the new building requirements. This technology made creating different façade geometries possible that, otherwise, wouldn’t be conceivable. This advancements in the industry require professional, accurate and detailed facade design.

Nowadays through automated design (parametric and algorithmic) and digital modelling, it is possible to have a complete facade 3D model on conceptual phase that will be detailed (cladding, glass, structural connections, HVAC, etc.) and tested before construction starts. The beginning of robotization and 3D printing is also part of this facade evolution and they will play an important role in this new era.

1.0 Importance of detailing

The functionality, durability and stability of each project element depends on the accuracy and quality of the detailing during the analysis and design phase. Therefore, to achieve the expected quality in a facade project, detailing is more than ever essential to the quality of the project.

Detailing of the design model requires an interactive process developed by different team members, architects, engineers and manufacturers linked together in a constantly updated model with design information under an evolving Design & Build process.
Parametric Design & Digital Fabrication – Rhino & Revit
Parametric Design & Digital Fabrication – Rhino & Revit
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R. José Oliveira Mendes
nº44 4760-912
Vila Nova Famalicão
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