RIBA CPD Showcase


The following CPD materials fall within the ‘Climate – sustainable architecture’ RIBA Core Curriculum topic area.
Online Learning, by Swedish Wood
Timber cladding is increasingly used as a natural and environmentally-friendly way to add character to a building. But it’s important for architects to specify and detail cladding correctly to ensure that it’s installed to give a long life. This video covers the main cladding types, explains the suitability of different species, and shows how to fix, coat and maintain timber. It also covers sustainability and gives procurement advice.

Swedish Wood is the promotional arm of the Swedish Forest Industries Federation, the biggest supplier of timber to the UK. The Swedish have considerable technical know-how in timber cladding, which has been widely adopted in Sweden for many generations. Standards of sustainability are high, with timber stock increasing as growth exceeds fellings. Certification is widespread: of Sweden’s 23 million hectares of forest, 12 million are FSC certified and 10 million hectares PEFC certified.
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