RIBA CPD Showcase

RIBA Core Curriculum: Designing & building it

The following CPD materials fall within the ‘Designing and building it – structural design, construction, technology and engineering’ RIBA Core Curriculum topic area.
Seminar, by Graphisoft UK Ltd
It is essential that architects understand Building Information Modelling (BIM). Only then will it become possible for them to work out how they are going to change processes to take full advantage of what BIM has to offer. This is not about understanding how a particular piece of software works. Open BIM examines the importance of being able to work collaboratively with the whole team involved in a project.

Graphisoft has been involved with BIM for over 30 years, long before the acronym was coined to describe the process of including the all-important ‘information’ associated with building elements in the model. Graphisoft not only produces software, but sees it as an essential part of its remit to train and support users to ensure they gain the maximum benefit from the use of BIM.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers:
one hour
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