RIBA CPD Showcase

Showcase featured CPD

The following CPD materials have all been assessed and approved by the RIBA.
Seminar, by dlinexsign
This CPD presentation looks at the different types of sign used in the architectural environment, with special emphasis on wayfinding and modular signs. There is a degree of complexity to the management of sign information – including text content, graphical format and the use of different materials – but this can in turn give the designer greater freedom of expression. This seminar therefore also looks at the task of putting together sign packages and scheduling complex text and wayfinding information, and discusses accessibility issues in relation to the Equalities Act and Part M.

From wayfinding analysis and schematics to specialist product design and in-house manufacture, dlinexsign delivers a unique offering as an architect-lead UK sign company with global experience of best practice.

Founded in 1999 as an adjunct to a Danish ironmongery company, dlinexsign has always manufactured only in the UK, while exporting to over 40 countries. Having its own in-house design, manufacturing and installation crews facilitates faster response times and helps dlinexsign in its quest to be a true turnkey partner.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes.
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